One of the main characteristics of Carricante is its high and pleasant sapidity. But what exactly is it and where does it come from?
By savory we mean a wine that has an appreciable and pleasant sensation of minerality, due to its particularly significant content in saline substances, which is generally also accompanied by a high acidity: a combination that makes a fresh and pleasant wine.
The perception of sapidity derives from their content of dissolved mineral substances. It can be perceived both in red and white wines, but it is only in the latter that it can be appreciated at its best, since it is not influenced or even covered by tannins.
The mineral substances responsible for the salinity of a wine have different origins because to a small extent they can also derive from the winemaking and aging processes. However, what actually count in determining it are the soil and its mineral composition.
The volcanic soils of Etna, particularly rich in mineral substances, are able to confere great freshness to the white wines from the Carricante variety which fully express its characteristics here, on the northern slope of Etna.